13 Questions with Andre Barnhill of Clavel

The first drink Dre Barnhill made for me was a Whiskey Smash – I think it was about nine years ago. I remember that night being a good one, out with really good friends sitting outside on a warm summer night. I also remember Dre as being friendly and knowledgeable and making all of the guests, including me, feel at home. He was also the first person that described a drink to me as “spirit forward.” That means boozay. Once, he made me a drink called the White Noise and while I don’t remember what was in it, it was pleasantly spirit forward and I thought about it for weeks.

When Clavel opened in 2015 and I knew Dre was going to be running the bar there, I was super excited. I knew the bar would be creative and thoughtful without being pretentious, just like Dre. A couple of years ago (pre-Covid) I sat at the mezcal tasting bar inside Clavel with my friend Steve Chu. I told Dre that I didn’t know a lot about mezcal and the ones I’d had, I didn’t love. He proceeded to taste us through four different mezcals and I liked all of them, and really, really loved one. See? You gotta have someone who is clearly passionate about what they’re doing teach you. (If you haven’t done the tasting bar with Dre, I highly recommend it.) The bar program at Clavel has had many, many accolades, yet Dre and his team are still there night after night, just doing what they do – making us happy. Aren’t we lucky?

So thankful my friend agreed to be a part of this series.

Cake or Pie? And what kind?

For me, pie takes the cake. Sweet potato pie is the glorious leader of all pies.

Your most prized possession?

Photos of family and friends.

The interior of Clavel. Photo credit: @juniper.july.

What’s your favorite thing to order out at restaurants?

I’m completely torn, I go to different restaurants to get different things. I would personally forgo most entrees, at most places, just to eat all the littleneck clams, boquerones and or tapenade I could get my hands on.

What’s your favorite to cook at home?

I like fermenting pizza dough for this 12” cast iron I have.

What’s your morning beverage and how do you take it?

French press coffee, black.

What’s your personal motto?

Never leave a good idea behind.

What’s your favorite holiday and why?

I love Christmas and 10x when it snows – there’s a few people I really love spoiling and Christmas is a great excuse!

Best advice you were ever given? And from whom?

“More than 99% of tequila is chicken sh*t, think about that.” – Carlos Camarena

A margarita at Clavel. Photo credit: @isaiahrw.

What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?

A pair of James Beard Noms for outstanding bar.

The last text you sent?

A photo of the dog being a sass.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Drinking curados and raicilla in Guadalajara with my favorite people.

What do you love most about food?

Sense memory, anticipation, grazing, the extraordinary love that we can give by putting care into ordinary processes.

What’s your favorite place in Baltimore?

Pete’s Grille                        

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