It’s something to brighten your spirits

BALTIMORE — Sometimes, a fresh paint job can shift a neighborhood into a positive direction.

Members of the Fort Worthington community in East Baltimore gleamed with joy at the unveiling of a brand-new mural they say they hope spreads joy.

“I grew up in this neighborhood. I’ve been here since I was six years old. I’ve seen the change in this neighborhood I wanted us to come alive again,” said Lenora Monroe former president of Fort Worthington Neighborhood Association.

Monroe says this mural has been a work-in-progress over the past year. Her goal, to evoke life into the place she’s called home nearly her entire life.

“It’s something to brighten your spirits. Something for you to go to start your day on a positive note not a negative note,” said Monroe.

This mural was made possible thanks to the Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore and Senator Cory McCray, but the man behind the paint brush is Andy Dahl who is no stranger to the mural scene throughout Baltimore.

He says this particular mural came from wanting to conceptualize something that would beautify the neighborhood.

“All the flowers are actually flowers from the neighborhood. I went on a walk around the neighborhood and took photographs of flowers growing out of the sidewalk. I like to pay attention to the beauty that we often don’t look at,” said Dahl.

The brand-new dad says this mural took longer than usual. Nonetheless, it’s a delicate piece of artwork that he says is a symbol of hope.

“In fact, the neighbors have told me that. They’ve often said we don’t get things like this in our neighborhood, so thank you for being here and thank you for doing this. I think all neighborhoods should have special things,” said Dahl.

His artwork is stretched throughout the city. Less than five minutes up the road, he painted a mural in Milton Montford. Jeri Cruz, a community leader there says it transformed that neighborhood.

“Everybody loves it,” said Cruz.

“I just spoke to somebody who came from another neighborhood. She was walking through here to go to the store and she goes you can feel the difference. The vibe is different than just over the train tracks,” said Cruz.

“It’s absolutely more than just artwork. It’s comfort, it’s relief, It’s a beauty, it’s art. It’s many things for many people. A positive thing overall,” said Cruz.

For the people in Fort Worthington, they can now marvel at the sight of their new mural that they hope is eye popping and brings in homeowners and developers so that no one forgets about their neighborhood.

“I want something bright so that when you come past it you say, ‘wow’ and that’s exactly what it does. I am so happy,” said Monroe.

This mural is part of over 30 beautification grants awarded to Baltimore over the past three years through the community grants program.

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