Light rail didn’t fail Baltimore but revamped bus system sure did.

Letter writer Harvey Schwartz who wants to “mothball” the light rail must have been asleep for the last decade (“Light rail has been proved a poor investment,” July 21). He calls for more bus routes in lieu of expanding or even continuing to operate the light rail.

Seven years ago, Gov. Larry Hogan threw a lot of money and fanfare at the Baltimore Link retread of the Baltimore bus system which was a total failure. Unlike any contemplated light rail extension, we know for sure now that the bus system revamping was ephemeral. The last time the light rail’s sole line was extended around 1997, it experienced a 35% increase in ridership.  An east-west light rail is long overdue and would create opportunities for people like me to live well without cars.

The reason Baltimore has had less than an optimal experience with its light rail is that it is the only light rail system that has gone a quarter of a century without any expansion. It is also clear that the Hogan administration did not put the money into maintaining it, so earlier this year, Gov. Wes Moore was forced to close the whole system down because of safety concerns. In comparison, the Baltimore Link was funded quite extravagantly and still failed the people of Baltimore.

Of course, we have to spend $2 billion first to rebuild the Francis Scott Key Bridge to accommodate 30,000 daily commuting vehicles.

— Paul R. Schlitz Jr., Baltimore

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