Roger Federer’s lessons for Baltimore youth

Retired tennis great Roger Federer’s recent commencement speech at Dartmouth College went viral, and it’s easy to see why. The speech was a masterclass in effective communication, blending authenticity with approachability. As Baltimore faces its own challenges, Federer’s words offer valuable lessons for the city’s youth, showing them how to strive for excellence, remain resilient and think beyond their immediate surroundings.

Federer debunked the myth that excellence is effortless, describing how his graceful play was the result of years of hard work, discipline and perseverance. This lesson is particularly relevant in Baltimore, where significant efforts are being made to improve high school graduation rates. In 2023, the graduation rate for Baltimore City high schoolers was just over 70%. While an improvement from previous years, it is still significantly lower than the statewide average of 86% and national average of around 87%.

Baltimore’s high schoolers must embrace the Federer mindset, understanding that their dreams are attainable through dedication and hard work. The city’s educational landscape is diverse and vibrant, with schools and many organizations working tirelessly to provide students with opportunities for success. Federer’s emphasis on grit and perseverance is a reminder that overcoming obstacles requires consistent effort. For many young Baltimoreans, this means balancing school with part-time jobs, helping to support their families and navigating complex social dynamics.

Federer’s perspective on resilience was another highlight. In tennis, he explained, winning only slightly more than half the points led him to legendary outcomes. This lesson of not dwelling on setbacks but focusing instead on the next opportunity is crucial. Baltimore’s students encounter numerous obstacles, from academic hardship to social pressures. According to Baltimore City Public Schools, the dropout rate for public schools in the city was 19.3% in 2023.

Federer’s words are a call to stay resilient and to keep pushing forward. This mindset can help empower Baltimore’s youth to view their challenges as temporary and surmountable, motivating them to persist despite difficulties.

Federer also emphasized the importance of a well-rounded life, filled with travel, culture, human connection and giving back. His philanthropic efforts through his foundation, which has helped more than 2 million children gain access to quality education, demonstrate his commitment to making a broader impact. This is an essential message for young adults, emphasizing that contributing to the community matters and that education is a critical building block toward future success.

Baltimore has a rich history and a vibrant community spirit. Federer’s call to consider the broader impact on the world is also particularly relevant here. Initiatives like the YouthWorks summer jobs program and the Baltimore City Youth Commission provide opportunities for young people to get involved in their community and develop a sense of civic responsibility. Encouraging them to participate in such programs can foster a culture of giving back and sense of investment in the community and its citizens.

Federer’s memorable graduation speech serves as a powerful reminder of the values that can lead to both personal and communal success, inspiring us all to strive for excellence, remain resilient and always consider the bigger picture and the positive contributions we can each make.

With another school year having come to a close, Federer’s words should resonate deeply and be shared with the young people who most need to hear them. They are a reminder that success is not just about talent, but also hard work and resilience over an extended period of time. Being a good citizen also means thinking beyond your own needs and supporting the greater good. By adopting these principles, Baltimore’s youth have the chance to pursue success and contribute to a bright future for their community.

Evan Nierman ( is founder and CEO of global strategic communications firm Red Banyan.

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