Tighten security and O’s fans would flock to games.

I agree with The Baltimore Sun Editorial Board that the new ownership of the Baltimore Orioles is doing a great job in providing Baltimore fans with a young, talented and exciting team to watch. I also agree that the lack of fans is a concern (“Time for Orioles (and fans) to make their big splash,” July 17).

My message to the city and the Orioles is simply to provide an adequate police presence so fans feel safe walking four to six blocks to and from parking garages at 9:30 p.m.

The same is true of sitting in a light rail car. There is no protection. You are a sitting duck for robbery and assault because the driver may be in a different car and a Maryland Transit Administration police officer is nowhere to be found. I would feel a little safer in a bus because the driver would immediately be aware of any problem.

Why is ridership in steep decline? I think it is a lack of security. Address the safety issues and I believe you will see improvements in attendance and a “bigger splash.”

— Ed Compher, Timonium

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